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What Is Call, Raise And Fold In Poker?

What Is Call, Raise And Fold In Poker?

Poker is filled with unique terms that can often leave beginners feeling somewhat lost. Among these terms, 'Call', 'Raise', and 'Fold' are three essential actions that every poker player must understand in order to play the game. These actions are the backbone of poker and can significantly affect the outcome of the game. Read more about it here at Daisy Slots.

What Is Call In Poker?

In the context of poker, a 'Call' refers to matching the existing bet made by another player. This means that if a player has placed a bet and you decide to 'Call', you need to put an equivalent amount of chips into the pot to stay in the hand. The concept is quite simple - when you 'Call', you're effectively agreeing to the stakes set by the previous player. 

A crucial thing to remember about 'Calling' in poker is that once you've verbally committed to it, you cannot retract your decision. This rule underscores the importance of being entirely comfortable with the bet before calling. 

When You Should Call In Poker

Knowing when to 'Call' in poker often requires a mix of skills and intuition. A typical situation for calling is when you have a middle-ground hand - i.e. not quite weak enough to fold nor strong enough to commit to raising. 

Another ideal time to 'Call' is when you have a strong hand but want to slow-play the hand. For instance, if you have pocket aces, you might consider calling instead of raising to keep more players in the game, increasing the pot size incrementally. 

What Is A Raise In Poker?

'Raising' in poker refers to increasing the current bet. If a player decides to 'Raise', the other players at the table are then faced with three options - they can either 'Call', 'Fold', or 'Re-Raise'. The act of raising can indicate that a player has a strong hand, or they may be attempting to increase the pot's value. Sometimes, raising can also be a part of a bluffing strategy. 

When To Raise In Poker

Understanding when to 'Raise' is a critical aspect of poker. Here are a few scenarios when raising could be beneficial: 

Raise to Win More

If you've been dealt a strong hand, raising can maximise your profits, especially if other players call after your raise. 

Raising Protects Your Hand

Suppose you have a strong hand, but there's a chance that another player could form a stronger one. In that case, you can raise to protect your hand. This strategy works by forcing other players to either call with poor odds or fold. 

Raising on the Bluff

Sometimes, you may find yourself with a weak hand that isn't likely to improve. In this instance, you might opt to bluff by raising, making it appear as though you have a stronger hand than you do, and potentially inducing other players to fold. 

Raise to Look for Information

If you have a strong hand but are unsure what your opponents are holding, you might choose to raise, albeit not by too much. A modest raise can often provide an indication of the strength of other players' cards or at least their confidence in their hands. 

What Is A Fold In Poker?

'Folding' in poker refers to the act of surrendering your hand. When you 'Fold', you're essentially forfeiting any claim to the pot and taking no further part in the current hand. 

It's crucial to note that folding should be done appropriately. Players should never show their cards when they fold as it's considered poor poker etiquette and gives unfair information to the remaining players. 

When To Fold In Poker

Deciding when to 'Fold' in poker is often a strategic move that can prevent further losses. 

You should consider folding if you have a weak hand that doesn't have much prospect of improvement. Folding early in the game is common, typically if the deal hasn't gone in your favour. 

Remember, folding can be a strategic decision that can save you from losing more money in a particular round. 


In conclusion, understanding when to 'Call', 'Raise', or 'Fold' in poker can significantly impact your gameplay. These actions are integral to poker as they are the actions available to the players, and they can often be the difference between winning or losing. 

Although poker can seem confusing at first, understanding these terms is a strong starting point.